
Beginning Book Package


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This package contains all 3 of Sheldon’s Class Books and 4 Videos

Boot Camp Book
The Boot Camp Book is a work out book filled with repetitive lessons that are designed to help train students in creating simple and complex shapes.

The first of two books for Sheldon’s students. It contains detailed reference drawings based on the topics discussed in class

It-Book Advanced
The second of two books for Sheldon’s students. It contains detailed reference drawings based on the topics discussed in class. The advanced book has more in depth references


Video 1: Tools Part 1
Video Contents:
‘Cal State Cool’
How to Hold a Pencil
Simple Shapes and Balance
Difference between Male and Female Figures
Cross Contour
Negative Shapes
The Nose Knows the Weight

Video 2: Tools Part 2
Video Contents:
Example with Tone
Tone Demos
Tone Quick Sketch
Quick Sketches

Video 3: Three Different Layins
Video Contents:
The Wire Layin
Slow is Fast
Shape Layin
Form Layin

Video 4: Structure
Video Contents:
Melting Cylinders
Cube Forms
Spherical Forms
Combining of Shapes
Structuring Your Drawing
Grouping Parts